4D Analytics

Create New Grid

Data grid creation selection:

  1. Click Create New Grid – this will bring a window up as below.
    • You must enter a Data Grid Name that is unique. A warning message will appear if an attempt to create a grid is made with a name that already exists or is blank.
    • You can add the new grid to an existing Category, a new Category, or leave it Uncategorised.
    • Select an existing category or enter a new Category name and click Add. The new category will then appear in the “Select a Category” drop-down.
  2. Click Create New Grid to automatically load the new grid into the Data Grid Section area with default configuration and no assets or points added at this time. By default, Config Mode is switched On to start building a workpack template.

Adding Assets/Locations: Assets/Locations (containers) can be added from the tree within the TreeView Navigator section to the grid by dragging a container from the tree and dropping it on the grid.

  • Each container dragged will be added to a new row within the Data Grid. The ID of the container shown in the first column and the fullpath and container name under the Asset/Location column.
  • Containers/assets are added to the grid so that their child points can be used in the configuration. By default, only the child points of the dragged containers/assets are available. If the “Check Sub Containers” box is ticked, then the grandchild points of the dragged containers/assets are also available.
    • Only assets can be added to the Data Grid.
  • Containers can be removed from the form by highlighting them (click/ ctrl/shift+click for multi-select) and pressing the Remove Selected button. Or click the Remove All button below the grid to remove all containers from the grid.

Saving a Grid Template: Clicking the Save Changes button link will save the current grid to the database.

Deleting a Grid Template: Clicking Delete Grid will delete the currently selected grid.